台北市立美术馆于2014年1月为国际当代艺术家徐冰主办亚洲地区首度大型个展「徐冰:回顾展」,并邀请台湾资深策展人暨艺评学者王嘉骥策展。 徐冰1955年生于重庆,1981年毕业于中央美术学院版画系。 1990年接受美国威斯康辛大学邀请,以荣誉艺术家身份移居美国,长期活跃欧美,是国际艺坛极为重视的当代华人艺术家。 2007年起担任北京中央美术学院副院长、教授。 自1975年创作至今近40年,1991年在美国展出《天书》及《鬼打墙》,是其奠定艺术成就与地位的关键之作。 他将东方的哲学思维方式及文化导入当代艺术创作中,作品对文字语言等沟通工具、艺术与文明的本质问题、不同物种与文化间的类似与冲突等进行批判性思考。 从传统木刻到装置艺术、无法辨认的方块字到文盲皆可识的标志符号,写生风景到研究汉字的性格的文字语言与符号学,作品包括版画、纸上作品、行为艺术、大型装置计划等,类型深广且多元,本展将展出从早期至今的重要作品计划、新作与大型现地制作。
In January 2014 Taipei Fine Arts Museum presents Xu Bing: A Retrospective, Asia’s first large-scale solo exhibition of international contemporary artist Xu Bing, curated by senior curator and art critic Chia Chi Jason Wang. Xu Bing has been actively pursuing art for four decades, from 1975 to today. In 1991 he exhibited A Book from the Sky and Ghosts Pounding the Wall at the Elvehjem Museum of Art on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, a key event that laid the foundation for his artistic accomplishments and status. He infuses his contemporary art with Eastern philosophy and culture. His works engage in critical thinking about the written word and other tools of communication, the nature of art and civilization, and similarities and conflicts among different species and cultures. His works span such forms as print, paper, performance art and large-scale installations. From traditional wood carving to installation art, from incomprehensible block lettering to using animals as media, from his “Landscript” realistic landscape paintings to examinations of the textual language and symbolism of Chinese characters, his artworks possess great breadth, depth and diversity. Presented on the ground floor of Taipei Fine Arts Museum, this exhibition features including major art pieces from his early period to the present day, new works and large-scale site-specific installations.