张晓 ZHANG Xiao

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

张晓,1981年出生于山东烟台,2005年毕业于烟台大学建筑设计系,现居成都。在2009年成为摄影艺术家之前,他曾于《重庆晨报》担任新闻摄影师。2018年,张晓获得哈佛大学罗伯特·加纳德摄影基金。张晓的《海岸线》系列曾获得法国汇丰银行摄影奖(2011)、法国才华摄影基金中国区冠军(2010)以及候登科摄影奖(2009),《他们》系列则在2010年获得三影堂摄影奖大奖。张晓曾经参与UCCA美术馆的展览 2015年作为理由” “文明:当代生活启示录”,瑞士摄影基金会的 “Unfamiliar Familiarities ,法国巴黎布朗利码头博物馆的 Photoquai 2015”,以及连州国际摄影节,上海摄影艺术中心,成都麓湖A4当代美术馆等在内的多个国内外展览。


Born in 1981 in Yantai, Shaodong Province, China, Zhang Xiao graduated from the Department of Architecture and Design at Yantai University in 2005. He was a photojournalist for Chongqing Morning Post. Zhang won the Robert Gardner Fellow in Photography of Harvard University in 2018. He won the Three Shadows Photography Award in 2010 with They series. He also received the second Hou Dengke Documentary Photography Award in 2009, The Photography Talent Award (France) in 2010 and the Prix HSBC pour la Photographie in 2011 with his Coastline series. Zhang has participated in several solo and group exhibitions, including The World in 2015 (UCCA Museum, Beijing, China, 2015), Unfamiliar Familiarities” (Fotostiftung Schweiz, Winterthur, Switzerland, 2017), Photoquai 2015” (Quai Branly Museum, Paris, France, 2016), Expanded Geographies” (Lianzhou International Photo Festival, Guangdong, China, 2018), Social Geography: Ten Journeys with a Camera” (Shanghai Center of Photography, Shanghai, China, 2018) , Photography and Video Experiments in Southwestern China since 2000” (A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China, 2017), etc. He currently lives and works in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.


Spring Hometown | Hometown Series No.3


♛ Minor Universes: Technology-led Emotions, V.A.