杨丁柳,1992年生于四川。中国美术学院版画系毕业,杜塞尔多夫艺术学院 Rita McBride 班级大师生。她的作品以视频作为主要媒介,以对客观物体的克制观察为基点,在平静与规避过度解读的重组演绎中,将不可见的 “目光” 变为可见,来表达她对外部世界的感知和评价。
YANG Dingliu, born in Sichuan in 1992, is a graduate of the Printmaking Faculty of the China Academy of Art as well as a Master student of Rita McBride’s class at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. Her works are mainly illustrated with video as the main media, based on the moderated observation of physical objects, in a reorganized interpretation of calmness and avoidance of over-interpretation, turning the invisible “gaze” into visible, to express her perception and evaluation of the external world.