吴林寿 WU Linshou

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

吴林寿,WAU建筑事务所主持建筑师,本科毕业于华南理工大学,于巴黎拉维莱特建筑学院和格勒诺布尔城市规划学院取得硕士学位,2018获得中国建筑协会青年建筑师奖。曾参与中国设计大展、深圳香港城市建筑双城双年展、法国 Saint-Etienne 国际设计双年展等重要展览并获得国内外多家刊物、书籍及媒体报道。其作品获得Chicago Athenaeum国际建筑奖、WA中国建筑奖等奖项,并被关山月美术馆收藏。


Wu Linshou, Founding Principal of WAU Design, has won the Young Architect Award in 2018 after graduating from South China University of Technology with a bachelor’s degree and receiving his master’s degrees from Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-la-Villette and Institut d’Urbanisme de Grenoble. As an active participant in world-renowned exhibitions such as the China Design Exhibition, UABB Shenzhen, and the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne, Wu has hit the headlines of various publications, books and media, both in and abroad. His works have won multiple awards including the Chicago Athenaeum “International Architecture Award” and the WAACA, and have been collected by the Guan Shanyue Art Museum.


Spring Hometown | Hometown Series No.3

九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术 ④:“天堂电影院” 厉槟源个展

♛ Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic ④: Cinema Paradiso: Solo Exhibition of Li Binyuan