王子耕 WANG Zigeng

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum


曾任北京电影学院讲师,清华大学建筑学院开放式课程导师。研究领域包括环境技术、建筑媒介与叙事。曾获得2019港深建筑双年展学术委员会大奖、普林斯顿大学全额入学奖学金、FAIRYTALES 2015国际建筑竞赛一等奖、中国建筑设计研究院城市规划专业方案设计一等奖,建筑专业方案设计一等奖等。曾担任姜文电影《邪不压正》导演组建筑历史顾问。国庆70周年群众游行彩车设计组成员。2022年冬奥会开幕式设计组成员。

作品曾参加威尼斯国际建筑双年展、华盛顿国家建筑博物馆 “建筑叙事” 展、港深建筑双年展、全国美展、中国当代建筑装置影像展、上海城市空间艺术季、大声展、现代汽车艺术中心青年策展人计划、上海当代艺术博物馆青年策展人计划、九层塔政纯办个展等国内外重要展览。作品被深圳坪山美术馆、山中天美术馆、X Museum收藏。策展包括中国国家博物馆 “伟大成就 – 改革开放四十周年成就展” 深圳展区装置、威尼斯建筑双年展 “Steel Home Still”。国家社科基金艺术学重大项目 “中国建筑艺术的理论与实践研究” 项目组成员、学校自主科研重点项目 “当代建筑展览与建筑策展研究” 负责人。参与出版多本书籍,作品及文章发表于国内外多家期刊和媒体。


Wang Zigeng is the founder and principle architect of Pills, Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture in the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He was also a Visiting Professor of the School of Architecture in Syracuse University. Zigeng obtained his Master of Architecture at Princeton University. He was a PhD candidate of Architecture from Tongji University, and a member of the American Institute of Architects.

He was a lecturer at the School of Fine Arts of Beijing Film Academy and an instructor of open studios at the School of Architecture from Tsinghua University. His expertise include Environmental Technology, Architectural Media and Narration. He has won the Academic Committee Award of the 2019 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture, the First Prize of FAIRYTALES 2015 International Architecture Competition, and the full ride scholarship for Princeton University Master of Architecture Program. He also won the first prize for the urban planning design and architectural design from China Architecture and Design Institute. He served as the architectural history consultant in the director team of the film “Hidden Man” by Jiang Wen. He also participated in the design for the Float Parade for China’s 70th Anniversary National Day. He is also part of the design team for 2022 Winter Olympic Opening Ceremony.

His works were exhibited in various important occasions including the Venice Architecture Biennale, the National Building Museum in Washington D.C., Shenzhen and Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, the National Art Exhibition, the Exhibition of Architecture Installation and Image in Contemporary China, Shanghai Urban Space Art Season, the Exhibition at Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing, and the PSFO Individual Exhibition at Nine-Tiered Pagoda. 

His works were collected by collected by the Pingshan Art Museum in Shenzhen, the Wind H Art Center, and the X Museum, etc.

He is the curator for the Installation Exhibition of 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening up in National Museum of China, Shenzhen and the “Steel Home Still” Exhibition at Venice Architecture Biennale. His work “Steel Home Still” was selected and exhibited in the 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, and the Curatorial Notes for this project was published in People’s Daily. 

In addition, Zigeng is the member of Research Team for the Chinese Architecture Theory and Practice Division among the National Social Science funded Projects and the Principal Investigator for the Research of Contemporary Architecture Exhibition and Architecture Curation, which is the Major Independent Project in Central Academy of Fine Arts. He also has published multiple books in collaboration. His works and articles were published in numerous journals and media outlets from both domestic and abroad.