谢德庆 Tehching HSIEH

Photo: Courtesy of Taipei Fine Arts Museum

1950 年12 月31 日生于台湾南州乡。1967 年,他从高中辍学、开始学习绘画。服毕兵役(1970-1973),谢德庆在台湾的美国新闻处举办首次个展,之后停止绘画,做了第一件行为表演作品《跳》,因此摔碎双踝。接着他受训成为海员,利用这个机会跳船进入美国。1974 年7 月,谢德庆抵达美国费城一个小港口。他以非法移民的身份在美国生活了十四年,直到1988 年大赦为止。1970 年代末期开始,他在纽约工作室的内外完成了五件《一年行为表演》和一个“十三年计划”。透过长时延的运用,他让艺术与生活同步,成就当代艺术最激进的手法。《一年行为表演》的前面四件作品,让谢德庆闻名于纽约的艺术圈;后两件作品则立意自艺术界隐退,设定了一种持续隐匿的基调。从千禧年开始,谢德庆免除了为期十三年不发表作品的制约,陆续在北美与南美洲、亚洲、欧洲都有展出。谢德庆现居纽约布鲁克林,作品由尚凯利画廊代理。


Tehching Hsieh was born on December 31st 1950 in Nan-Chou, Taiwan. Hsieh dropped out from high school in 1967 and took up painting. After finishing his army service (1970-1973), Hsieh had his first solo show at the gallery of the American News Bureau in Taiwan. Shortly after this solo show, Hsieh stopped painting. He made a performance action, Jump, in which he broke both of his ankles. He trained as a seaman, which he then used as a means to enter the United States. In July of 1974, Hsieh finally arrived at a small port near Philadelphia. He was an illegal immigrant in the States for fourteen years until he was granted amnesty in 1988. Starting in the late 1970s, Hsieh made five One Year Performances and a ‘Thirteen Year Plan’, inside and outside his studio in New York City. Using long durations, making art and life simultaneous, Hsieh achieved one of the most radical approaches in contemporary art. The first four One Year Performances made Hsieh a regular name in the art scene in New York; the last two pieces, intentionally retreating from the art world, set a tone of sustained invisibility. Since the millennium, released from the restriction of not showing his works during a thirteen-year period, Hsieh has exhibited his work in North and South America, Asia and Europe. Hsieh lives in Brooklyn and is represented by Sean Kelly Gallery.