孙义全 SUN Yiquan

Photo: Courtesy of the Artist Studio

当代艺术家,登山家 ,1986年出生于中国辽宁。 2013年5月19日他成功登顶海拔8844.43米的世界第一高峰珠穆朗玛峰。2018年5月20日,时隔五年,他再次登顶珠峰。




Sun Yiquan is a contemporary artist, mountaineer, who was born in Liaoning, China in 1986. He successfully sumitted the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest of 8844.43 meter high on May 19, 2013. On May 20, 2018 Sun Yiquan ascended Mt. Everest again after five years. 

Sun Yiquan is the first artist and the youngest mountaineer in China who has successfully climbed the Mount Everest from the south slope. Ten years ago, from the unexpected encounter between the mountain and him, Sun Yiquan’s creation and mountaineering have always been connected. The mountain gave him a new understanding and experience of life and the inexhaustible spiritual power, which made him realize his own artistic language and expression. The color of his works is pure and gorgeous, and his expressions are peculiar and mysterious. His artworks are magnificent, dignified and awe-inspiring. 


Warmth of Convictions, SUN Yiquan