拉斐尔·多梅内克 Rafael DOMENECH

Photo: Courtesy of Hua International


在社会主义制度中长大并接受教育,对建筑空间和公共宣传的兴趣自然地为拉斐尔·多梅内克(Rafael Domenech)的早期作品奠定了基础。移居美国后,艺术家经历转型、重新定位和文化融合的过程,影响与兴趣也随之扩大。多梅内克于2015年获美国新世界艺术学院学士学位,后于 2019 年毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学并获艺术硕士学位。

多梅内克的近年个展曾在纽约 雕塑中心馆、纽约Yeh Art Gallery、 户尔空间、美国巴斯美术馆、弗雷德里克·斯尼策画廊、苏格拉底雕塑园展出;他参加群展的机构、画廊和艺术节包括布朗克斯美术馆、朱莉·索尔画廊、 哈瓦那双年展、迈阿密双年展等。他还曾获得洛克菲勒兄弟基金会、莫蒂·弗兰克基金、索罗斯基金会决赛入围者等奖项。多梅内克目前在着手准备即将在位于迈阿密的巴斯美术馆开幕的双个展,及2021年柏林艺术周期间在户尔柏林空间的新个展。


Rafael Domenech, born 1989 in Havana, Cuba, lives and works in New York City.

Having grown up and been educated in a socialist system, an interest in architectural spaces and public propaganda naturally defined the foundation for Domenech’s early work. After migrating to the US, the artist experienced a transformational broadening of influences and interests through the transition, the process of geographical relocation, and cultural integration.

Rafael Domenech graduated with a BFA from New World School of the Arts in Miami in 2015 and later earned an MFA from Columbia University in 2019. He has been exhibited by major institutions such as The Bass Museum, The Sculpture Center, Yeh Art Gallery, Hua International, Fredric Snitzer Gallery, and Socrates Sculpture Park. He has received several awards including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Morty Frank Fellowship Fund, and Soros Foundation finalist.

不确定整体的不完美碎片 拉斐尔·多梅内克

Imperfect Fragments of an Uncertain Whole, Rafael Domenech