自2011年起任UCCA馆长,负责艺术展览和公共项目等事务,致力于向UCCA每年逾70万的观众呈现中国及国际当代艺术的最新成果。2009至2011年期间,田霏宇任关注中国当代艺术与文化的中英双语双月刊《艺术界 LEAP》杂志主编,撰写了大量关于中国当代艺术的文章,被广泛刊登于《艺术论坛 ARTFORUM》(曾任特约编辑)、《帕科特 PARKETT》、《纽约时报》和《读书》等刊物,编译多部艺术论著及画册,并曾任中央美术学院人文学院的客座教授;策划了 “王兴伟”、“顾德新:重要的不是肉”、“季云飞:水利工程” 和 “阚萱:大谷子堆” 等关注中国艺术家的重要展览。田霏宇是哈佛大学的东亚研究硕士、杜克大学文学学士,北京大学傅尔布莱特学者。
Philip Tinari is director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing. There he oversees an exhibition program devoted to established figures and rising talents both Chinese and international, aimed at UCCA’s annual public of more than half a million visitors. Prior to joining UCCA he was editor-in-chief of LEAP, the international art magazine of contemporary China, which he founded and ran from 2009 to 2011. He has worked as China representative for Art Basel, contributing editor to ArtForum, and lecturer in art criticism at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Tinari, who speaks fluent Mandarin, holds degrees from Duke and Harvard, and was a Fulbright fellow at Peking University.