黄汉明以影像、装置和表演做为创作媒介,重新解读了世界电影及流行文化,并在戏剧化语言,社会结构,身份认知,自省等领域进行了多重层次的塑造。伴随着不完美的传译和重演,他将演员(多数情况下由艺术家本人扮演)置入进故事中的每个角色。黄汉明试图通过人类表演活动来揭示有关 “真实性”,“原创性” 和 “他者” 的概念。黄汉明深入研究了文化,性别和身份是如何被构建,重塑和传播的,并探讨了他们是如何融入到多层次的政治面像中去。虽然黄汉明从未接受过专业演技训练,但他已经开始了自己的艺术实践。这种实践立刻受到电影艺术的高度影响,并和表演性、性别与差异间的衡量尺度进行不断对话。近期,黄汉明的艺术创作运用了更加跨学科的知识,并融合了表演以及装置去丰满了他对人造文化的探索。
2018年,黄汉明作品曾在韩国、塞内加尔、孟加拉国、香港、法国等多地参加展出,其中包括釜山双年展、达喀尔双年展、达喀尔艺术峰会、SAVVY Contemporary、Para Site、法国庞坦艺术中心等。黄汉明曾在北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心、东京资生堂画廊、洛杉矶REDCAT等多处国际知名艺术机构举办个展。黄汉明还曾在2010年到2016年期间陆续参加了悉尼双年展、亚太平洋三年展、上海双年展、里昂双年展、利物浦双年展、光州双年展以及纽约。其作品《一世模仿》在2009代表新加坡参加第53届威尼斯并荣获奖项。
Ming Wong builds layers of cinematic language, social structure, identity and introspection through his re-telling of world cinema and popular culture in his videos, installations and performances. With imperfect translations and reenactments, he casts an actor (often himself) as every character in a story. Wong attempts to unravel ideas of ‘authenticity’, ‘originality’ and the ‘other’, with reference to the act of human performativity. He looks into how culture, gender and identity are constructed, reproduced and circulated, as well as how it all feeds into the politics of representation. Though untrained as an actor, he has embarked on an artistic practice that is at once highly influenced by cinema and is in constant dialogue with measures of performativity, gender, and difference. Recent projects have become more interdisciplinary, incorporating performance and installation to flesh out his exploration of cultural artefacts from around the world.
His work has been shown recently at Busan Biennale, South Korea; Dakar Biennale, Senegal; Dhaka Art Summit, Bangladesh; Para Site, Hong Kong; SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin; Centre National de la Danse, Paris; (all 2018). He has had solo exhibitions at leading institutions worldwide, including UCCA, Beijing; Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo; REDCAT, Los Angeles; He has participated in Sydney Biennale (2016 & 2010); Asia Pacific Triennial (2015); Shanghai Biennale (2014); Lyon Biennale (2013); Liverpool Biennial (2012); Gwangju Biennale (2010); Performa 11, New York (2010). He represented Singapore at the 53rd Venice Biennale in 2009 with the solo presentation Life of Imitation, which was awarded a special mention.