麦克·波登曼 Michael BODENMANN

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

麦克·波登曼,1978 年生于瑞士洛迦诺。在不同地区的转移中寻找自己,他在等待与探寻中呈现艺术的讽喻特征。他通过摄影、电影和物件创作装置。他一直在探索如何转化情绪与情感到不同媒介中,以及如何被他者阅读。

瑞士圣加仑 visarte / Nextex 委员会成员,RIFFRAFF HOUDINI 电影院 “图像之窗” 策展人。

作品曾展出于瑞士苏黎世尚塔工作室, 阿根廷波伊诺斯艾利斯 PROA21 空间,瑞士苏黎世 RIFFRAFF 电影院,日本东京 Geidai University-Chinretsukan 画廊,北京 I: project 空间。


Michael Bodenmann (1978, Locarno/CH) , The different strategies Bodenmann uses for his artistic work, which is always interspersed with a certain subtle irony, include active searching as well as waiting. Moreover, in recent years he’s often consciously moving through unknown regions without orientation while observing himself. Based on this experience, Bodenmann creates installations for which he uses appropriated and transformed objects, photography or film. He is interested in how perceived moods or emotions can be translated into different media and become readable for others.

Member of the board visarte / Nextex St.Gallen, Curator of the Bildfenster Cinemas Riffraff and Houdini, Zürich.

Recent Exhibitions includes: Ab und Zu, Studio Chantal, Zürich (2019), Situación de Estudio Abierto, Proa21, Buenos Aires (2018), Hi Lite rauchend durch die Strassen laufen, Cinema RiffRaff Zürich (2017), Half-Collapse, Half-Open, Geidai University -Chinretsukan Gallery Tokyo (2015), On the bright side there is color, I: project space, Beijing (2015).