陆扬,1984年生于上海,毕业于中国美术学院新媒体艺术系并获硕士学位,目前工作生活于上海。她的工作涉及宗教、生物学、神经科学、心理学、医疗科技等方面,并以装置、编程、游戏、录像等作为创作媒介。她的作品曾参与包括2016年蒙特利尔国际数字双年展、2016年利物浦双年展、2015年第56届威尼斯双年展中国馆、2014年第五届福冈亚洲艺术三年展、2012上海双年展在内的国际重要展览,也曾在克利夫兰当代艺术馆、上海纽约大学美术馆、北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心等艺术机构举办个展。参与群展机构包括巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心、莫斯科美术馆、上海chi K11美术馆、上海当代艺术博物馆、北京民生美术馆广州美术馆等。
Born in 1984 and based in Shanghai, Lu Yang graduated from the China Academy of Art in 2010. Lu explores existential issues about the nature of life and where it resides, using a variety of media that include video, installation, animation, and digital painting, and video games. Armed with a overlaying mix of strategies taken from science, religion, psychology, neuroscience, medicine, gaming, pop culture, and music, Lu Yang overrides the often delusional belief that human control is privileged within this universe. Instead, highlighting the biological and material determinants of our condition and reminding one of our transient and fragile existence. With an edge of dark humor, Lu leaves no room for sentimentality. Her works have been featured in important solo and group exhibitions at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing), Centre Pompidou, 56th Venice Biennale 2015 China Pavillion, the Third Istanbul Design Biennial, Liverpool Biennial 2016, Shanghai Biennale 2012, Montreal International Digital Art Biennial 2016, Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon, Momentum (Berlin), Tampa Museum of Art, and the Fifth Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, among others.