Loïc Le GALL

Photo: Courtesy of K11 Art Foundation

巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心当代及新视野创作部助理策展人,负责筹备展览及处理特定馆藏,并定期参与编撰艺术家出版及展览目录。近期参与展览包括“亲爱的朋友:向当代艺术藏品捐赠者致敬”(2016),“Thea Westreich Wagner和Ethan Wagner的收藏”(2016),“Melik Ohanian:影子之下”(2016),以及“复调”(2016)。他亦策划放映节目,包括:“Hoël Duret”(新视野电影院,2017)及“新开始”(新视野电影院,2017)。他同时进行独立策展工作,包括由K11 Art Foundation于2017年呈献的梁远苇个展“勘玉钏”,以及2016年台北关渡美术馆的“万物之间——赵洋个展”。Loïc Le Gall于巴黎索邦大学取得艺术史及策展研究硕士学位。


Loïc Le Gall is the Assistant Curator of the Department of Contemporary Art and Prospective of Centre Pompidou, Paris. He works on exhibitions and some specific acquisitions, and regularly participates in artist’s publications and catalogues. Recent exhibitions involving his contribution include Cher(e)s Ami(e)s: Hommage aux donateurs des collections contemporaines (2016); La collection Thea Westreich Wagner et Ethan Wagner (2016); Melik Ohanian, Under Shadows (2016); and Polyphonies (2016). He has also organised screenings, including Hoёl Duret (Prospectif Cinema, 2017) and Table rase (Prospectif Cinema, 2016). Also engaged in independent curatorial practice, Le Gall has curated Liang Yianwei: Behind the Curtain, presented by K11 Art Foundation at Conservatorio di musica Benedetto Marcello, Venice, in 2017, and Zhao Yang: In Between, presented at Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, in 2016.

Le Gall holds an MA in Art History and Curatorial Studies from Universite Paris – Sorbonne, Paris. His essay Walid Road, A Historian-artist investigates the recreation of history by an artist after the trauma of a civil war. More specifically, he is focusing on visual arts in the Middle East and China. He is currently studying the time artists spends during their travels. His research interests include the ways displacement leads to artistic creation and the impacts of travelling on artists.