Li Nu, graduated with an MA in sculpture from Royal College of Art, London, Li Nu won the RBS (Royal British Society of Sculptors) Bursary Awards in 2015 and is a member of the RBS. He currently lives and works in Beijing.
Rooted in everyday life, Li Nu’s practice captures personal experiences and subjective feelings and thus reflects shared sentiments of the broader environment, individual’s mood swings, and the collective mental state in the social evolution. Drawn to the accidental, the unexpected, the present rather than techniques or forms, Li resists visual monotony as well as coherent, strategic, stylized methods pursued by many Late Modernists, and explores instead the potentialities of installation, contemporary sculpture, experimental video, events, etc. He subverts the perceived boundaries between documentary and fiction, representation and abstraction, transforming seemingly unpromising materials into metaphorical, piercing, humorous, poetic, and dramatic expressions with multiple connotations.