丹尼尔·克诺尔,1968年出生于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特,14岁时随父母移居德国,现工作和生活于柏林、香港。2012年获德国不莱梅 “箍桶匠街” 艺术奖。
曾参与过的重要展览包括:2020年德国图宾根美术馆个展 “丹尼尔·克诺尔”、中国深圳红树林画廊个展 “画布雕塑”;2019年德国柏林麦习画廊个展 “蘸旧”;2017年第14届「卡塞尔文献展」卡塞尔/雅典、德国慕尼黑现代艺术陈列馆个展 “丹尼尔·克诺尔:我一生挚爱不再爱我了”;2016年捷克布拉格当代艺术中心群展 “金钱的灵魂”;2013年美国芝加哥当代艺术博物馆群展 “铲道-艺术作为考古”;2011年匈牙利布达佩斯国家美术馆群展 “湖中艺”;2010年法国巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心群展 “过往的应许”;2009年瑞士巴塞尔美术馆个展 “Led R. Nanirok”、波兰华沙现代艺术美术馆个展 “醒着睡着”;2008年第5届「柏林双年展」、第7届「宣言展」欧洲当代艺术双年展、德国卡塞尔弗里德里希阿鲁门美术馆个展 “破镜重圆”;2007年德国「费尔巴赫雕塑三年展」“体检”、美国纽约高古轩画廊群展 “下犬之下”;2005年第51届「威尼斯双年展」罗马尼亚馆个展 “欧洲流感”。
Daniel Knorr, born in 1968 in Bucharest, Romania, moved to Germany with his parents at the age of 14. He now works and lives in Berlin and Hong Kong. Won the award of 2012 Kunstpreis der Böttcherstraße in Bremen, Kunsthalle Bremen, DE.
Selected Important Exhibitions: Daniel Knorr, Kunsthalle Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany (2020); Canvas Sculptures, Mangrove Gallery, Shenzhen, China (2020); Dip in the Past, Meyer Riegger, Berlin, Germany (2019); Documenta 14, Kassel, Germany and Athens, Greece (2017); Die Frau meines Lebens liebt mich noch nicht, Pinakothek der Moderne – Sammlung Moderne Kunst, Munich, Germany (2017); The Soul of Money, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic (2016); The Way of the Shovel: Art as Archaeology, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, USA (2013); Art on Lake, National Museum of Fine Art, Budapest, Hungary (2011); The Promises of the Past, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (2010); Led R. Nanirok, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, Switzerland (2009); Awake Asleep, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland (2009); When Things Cast No Shadow, 5th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany (2008); The Principle of Hope, Manifesta 7, European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Rovereto, Italy (2008); Scherben bringen Glück, Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany (2008); Bodycheck, 10th Small Sculpture Triennial Fellbach, Fellbach, Germany (2007); Beneath the Underdog, Gagosian Gallery, New York, USA (2007); European Influenza, Romanian Pavillion, 51st Venice Biennale, Italy (2005).