成都市当代艺术馆 Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art

成都市美术馆B区(成都市当代艺术馆)位于成都市金牛区金牛大道金牛坝路388号,总面积近3.3万平方米,展陈面积超1万平方米,拥有8个专业展厅、3个公教空间、1个影像放映厅及多个多样态的时尚艺术空间;其建筑造型取意 “窗含西岭景”,整体建筑如环抱成都的雪山一般,层峦叠嶂,同时,曲线的屋顶也与川西民居优雅的屋面形制相呼应。



Chengdu Art Museum District B (Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art) is located at 388 Jinniuba Road, Jinniu District in Chengdu, which has a total area of nearly 33,000 square meters, with an exhibition area of over 10,000 square meters. It has 8 professional exhibition halls, 3 public education spaces, a cinema and several diversified art spaces. The architectural construction is inspired by the Chinese ancient verse the window frames the western mountain scene. The overall architecture is like a snow mountain that surrounding Chengdu. And, the curved roof also echoes the shape of residential buildings in western Sichuan area.

The museum is to be a future-oriented international comprehensive art center. It aims to demonstrate the development of art in the future and the multiple ways in which art channels into everyday life. In addition, it serves as a multi-functional art space, focusing on local art scenes and events, observing the trend of international avant-garde, and empowering the art of Chengdu with internationalized foresight and awareness.


♛ Minor Universes: Technology-led Emotions, V.A.