蔡国强 CAI Guo-Qiang

Photo: Courtesy of the Artist (by Raul Skrylev)

蔡国强,1957年生于福建泉州,1981-1985年就读于上海戏剧学院舞台美术系。他的艺术表现横跨绘画、装置、录像及表演艺术等数种媒材。 1986-1995年底旅居日本期间,他持续探索使用火药制作绘画的可能性,一步步推大其作品的爆破规模和形式,并逐渐建立随后著名的户外爆破计划。他以东方哲学及当代社会问题作为作品观念的根基,因地制宜,阐释、回应当地文化历史。他著名的火药爆破艺术和大型装置充满活力和爆发力,超越平面,自由从室内空间走入社会和自然。

他曾获重要奖项包括1999年第48届威尼斯双年展国际金狮奖、 2007年第七届广岛奖、及2009年第二十届福冈亚洲文化奖。2012年,他获得高松宫殿下纪念世界文化奖绘画类终身成就奖,该奖项宗旨希冀在诺贝尔奖未涵盖的文化领域,表彰为艺术作出重要贡献者。同年,由于他长期对国际间文化交流的贡献,获得由美国国务院首次颁发的艺术勋章。近年奖项包括:2015年美国巴尼特·纽曼基金会奖、2016年荷兰博尼范登当代艺术奖、2016年日本国际交流基金奖、以及2016年亚洲艺术大奖。

三十多年来,他的艺术足迹几乎遍及所有国际大展,并且在众多世界著名的艺术殿堂举办展览,其中包括2006年纽约大都会博物馆《蔡国强在屋顶:透明纪念碑》以及2008年纽约古根海姆美术馆个人回顾展《我想要相信》。同时,他还担任了2008年北京奥运会开闭幕式核心创意小组成员及视觉特效艺术总设计。 2013年, 他的个展《农民达芬奇》在巴西三个城市巡回,吸引观众100万余人,其中里约热内卢一站成为当年全球所有在世艺术家观展人数最高展览。他的爆破计划《蔡国强:天梯》于2015年6月15日凌晨在福建泉州惠屿岛港湾实现。同名纪录片由奥斯卡金奖导演凯文麦唐诺执导,于2016年在Netflex上映 。

他最新的公共艺术项目《蔡国强:萤火虫》于2017年9月在美国费城开启。最新的爆破计划《彩色蘑菇云》于同年12月实现于美国芝加哥大学人类第一台核反应堆芝加哥一号堆。最新展览包括2017年9月在俄罗斯莫斯科普希金美术馆开幕的个展《蔡国强:十月》及同年10月于西班牙马德里普拉多美术馆开幕的个展《绘画的精神:蔡国强在普拉多》 。


Cai Guo-Qiang was born in 1957 in Quanzhou City, China. He was trained in stage design at the Shanghai Theater Academy, and his work has since crossed multiple mediums within art, including drawing, installation, video and performance. While living in Japan from 1986 to 1995, he explored the properties of gunpowder in his drawings, an inquiry that eventually led to the development of his signature explosion events. Drawing upon Eastern philosophy and contemporary social issues as a conceptual basis, his artworks respond directly to local culture and history, and establish an exchange between viewers and the larger universe around them. His signature explosion art and installations are full of a vitality and force that transcends beyond the two-dimensional plane, and expands from the museum space into society and nature.

Cai was awarded the Golden Lion at the 48th Venice Biennale in 1999, the 20th Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize in 2009, the Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Award in 2015, and the Bonnefanten Award for Contemporary Art (BACA) 2016. In 2012, He was honored as one of five Laureates for the prestigious Praemium Imperiale, an award that recognizes lifetime achievement in the arts in categories not covered by the Nobel Prize. Additionally, he was also among the five artists who received the first U.S. Department of State Medal of Arts award for his outstanding commitment to international cultural exchange. Cai also served as Director of Visual and Special Effects for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

Among his many solo exhibitions and projects include Cai Guo-Qiang on the Roof: Transparent Monument, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2006 and his retrospective I Want to Believe, which opened at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York in 2008. His first-ever solo exhibition in Brazil, Da Vincis do Povo, went on a three-city tour around the country in 2013. Traveling from Brasilia to São Paulo before reaching its final destination in Rio de Janeiro, it was the most visited exhibition by a living artist worldwide that year with over one million visitors. In June 2015, Cai created explosion event Sky Ladder off of Huiyu Island, Quanzhou, China; the artwork became the central piece in the 2016 Netflix documentary Sky Ladder: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang, directed by Academy Award winner Kevin Macdonald.

Cai Guo-Qiang: Fireflies, his largest public art project in the United States in the past decade, launched in Philadelphia in September 2017. His most recent explosion event, Color Mushroom Cloud, was realized on December 2 in Chicago. His solo exhibitions in 2017 include Cai Guo-Qiang: October at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia; and The Spirit of Painting. Cai Guo-Qiang at the Prado at the Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.

He currently lives and works in New York.


♛ Cai Guo-Qiang: October, CAI Guo-Qiang