目标 Purpose

ARTEXB 创立于 2016 年,是一个以 3D VR 为媒介的当代艺术项目,致力于当代艺术展览档案制作、虚拟展览设计开发、传播及永久性收藏。通过长期甄选的展览历史,我们希望集中呈现艺术家的创作轨迹。我们关注艺术家的创作心态、策展人的布展理念,以及展览现场的特定氛围,旨在建立和完善一个关于 “永不谢幕的艺术展” 的可持续性数据媒体档案库。


Founded in 2016, ARTEXB is a project of contemporary art supported by 3D VR, dedicated to the archival production, virtual development, dissemination and permanent collections of contemporary art exhibitions. By focusing on selected artists’ accumulated exhibitions, we aim to present the track of their creation. We focus upon the creative mindset of the Artist, the spatial concept by the Curator, and the unique qualities of the Space. We strive to bring forth a permanent data-media archive of Non-Ending Art Exhibitions on a continuing basis.


Xu Bing: A Retrospective, XU Bing


♛ XU BING, XU Bing


Language & the Art of XU BING, XU Bing


♛ Xu Bing: Thought and Method, XU Bing


Xu Bing: Language and Nature, XU Bing


Xu Bing: Release of Book from the Ground Pop-up Book, XU Bing