
巴黎玛莱区的画廊空间坐落在一栋18世纪宅邸内,于2005年成立并在2007年拓展至毗邻的白色立方体空间。 2014年,位于同一街区的700平方米新展厅“Salle de Bal”开放,其前身是17世纪酒店“Grand Veneur”的宴会厅。现巴黎空间总面积近2300平方米。





贝浩登每年参加的全球重要艺博会包括:巴塞尔艺术展(香港、迈阿密、巴塞尔),弗里兹艺博会(伦敦、纽约),巴黎当代艺术国际博览会(FIAC),达拉斯艺博会,科隆国际艺博会(Art Cologne),芝加哥当代艺术博览会(Expo Chicago),上海廿一当代艺术博览会,上海西岸艺术与设计博览会,墨西哥Zona Maco当代艺术博览会等。


Emmanuel Perrotin founded his first gallery in 1989 at the age of 21. He has since opened over 17 different spaces with the aim to continue offering increasingly vibrant and creative environments to experience artists’ works. He has worked closely with his roster of artists, some for more than 25 years, to help fulfill their ambitious dreams and projects.

Inaugurated in 2005 in an 18th century mansion and expanding two years later into the space next door, Perrotin has continued to add to his three gallery spaces (approx. 1600m²) in the Marais district of Paris. In 2014, Perrotin opened a 700m² showroom up the street from the gallery known as La Salle de Bal, a former Ballroom in the Hôtel d’Ecquevilly named “du Grand Veneur”, a 17th century Hôtel Particulier. In its entirety, the Parisian spaces amount to approximately 2300m².

In May of 2012, Perrotin opened the Hong Kong gallery on the 17th floor of 50 Connaught Road Central (650m²), overlooking Victoria Harbour Bay.

Since 2013, Perrotin New York has been housed in a historic building on the Upper East Side’s iconic Madison Avenue. After three successful years there, Perrotin expanded in April of 2017 to a 25,000 sq. foot (2,300m²) space and relocated to 130 Orchard Street in New York City’s most dynamic arts neighborhood, the Lower East Side.

In 2016, Perrotin inaugurated a 240m² gallery in Seoul which includes a bookshop displaying unique editions & books published by the gallery. Located in the heart of the museum and gallery district on the first and third floors of the same building as Christie’s office at 5 Palpan-gil, Jongno-gu district, the gallery is in close proximity to the National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art and Daelim Museum and just in front of the Blue House/President’s residence and Gyeongbok Palace.

In June of 2017, Perrotin opened his newest gallery in Tokyo on the ground floor of the Piramide building at 6-6-9 Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo. The gallery is located in the center of the Roppongi area, a cultural and vibrant neighborhood, which gathers a large number of museums, including the Mori Art Museum, Suntory Museum of Art, National Art Center (Art Triangle Roppongi), and many well-established galleries.

Perrotin participates in a number of significant art fairs worldwide each year: Art Basel (Hong Kong, Basel, Miami), Frieze (London, New York), FIAC (Paris), Dallas Art Fair, Art Cologne, Expo Chicago, ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, West Bund Art & Design (Shanghai), Zona Maco Mexico, amongst others.

马克·莱登 超灵动物

Anima Animals, Mark Ryden


Xu Zhen: Civilization Iteration, XU Zhen