鸟头 Birdhead

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

鸟头成立于2004年,由宋涛(b.1979)和季炜煜 (b.1980)组成,“鸟头” 源自一次为文件命名而来的随意键盘敲击。鸟头以摄影为创作基础而不被摄影所框限。他们的镜头捕捉任何能涉及的事物,将关于他们自身的成长思考逐渐内化到他们的图像语境中。他们结合照片矩阵,拼贴,装裱,装置,摄影书写各种对于照片的使用方式,在不同的展览空间和环境中呈现多个自我更新进化的 “鸟头世界”。


Birdhead, consisting of Song Tao (b. 1979) and Ji Weiyu (b. 1980), has been working in the medium of analog photography since it was established in 2004. The name “Birdhead” came from a random keystroke for film naming.  The artistic practice of Birdhead is based on photographs but also beyond the philosophy of photography. Capturing all the beings around them, the two members of Birdhead digest and apply the thinking mode of conceptual art into the context of their image interpretation. By combining the photographic matrix, collage, installation, particular mounting technique and so on, Birdhead delivers a “Birdhead world” in various exhibition spaces and humanistic environment.