安娜·杜米特里乌 Anna DUMITRIU

Photo: Courtesy of Zhi Art Museum

英国艺术家安娜·杜米特里乌工作于生物艺术、雕塑、装置和数字媒体领域,致力探索人们与传染病、合成生物学和机器人的关系。她的作品被广泛地收录于各大国际展览中,包括卡尔斯鲁厄艺术与媒体中心、Ars Electronica、BOZAR艺术中心、毕加索博物馆、维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆、费城科学中心、台北当代艺术馆、 LABoral、柏林艺术实验室和牛津科学史博物馆。她是英国科学协会科学与艺术部门的2018年主席,是赫特福德郡大学、布莱顿和苏塞克斯医学院以及Waag学会的访问研究成员,也是牛津大学医学微生物学现代化项目和英国公共卫生部国家标准菌种保藏中心的驻留艺术家。多部著作对她的作品进行过特写,包括2016年在Thames and Hudson出版的《生物艺术:改变的现实》(Bio Art: reality);诸多当代艺术与科学领域领域的重要媒体也曾报道她的作品,如《艺术论坛》、Leonardo Journal、《艺术新闻》、《艺术季刊》、《自然》和 Lancet 等。杜米特里乌的研究重点是新兴技术的伦理含义,跨越时间,通过反思过去来探索未来的场景。

Anna Dumitriu is a British artist who works with BioArt, sculpture, installation, and digital media to explore our relationship to infectious diseases, synthetic biology and robotics. She has an extensive international exhibition profile including ZKM, Ars Electronica, BOZAR, The Picasso Museum, The V&A Museum, Philadelphia Science Center, MOCA Taipei, LABoral, Art Laboratory Berlin, and The Museum of the History of Science Oxford. She was the 2018 President of the Science and the Arts section of the British Science Association and holds visiting research fellowships at the University of Hertfordshire, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, and Waag Society, as well as artist-in-residence roles with the Modernising Medical Microbiology Project at the University of Oxford, and with the National Collection of Type Cultures at Public Health England. Her work is featured in many books including “Bio Art: Altered Realities” published by Thames and Hudson in 2016 and many other significant publications across contemporary art and science including Artforum International Magazine, Leonardo Journal, The Art Newspaper, Art Quarterly, Nature and The Lancet. Dumitriu’s work has a strong focus on the ethical implications of emerging technologies drawing threads across time, exploring future scenarios by reflecting on the past.


GROWING - International Bio Art Exhibition, V.A.