Photo: Courtesy of Galleria Continua Beijing

庄辉,1963年生于甘肃省玉门县。他在十三岁时离开家乡并开始在洛阳自学绘画。1979年高中毕业后,他进入洛阳第一国营拖拉机械厂成为了一名工人。在那期间,他通过游历走访四方,亲身经历了第一手有关正在处于转型阶段的中国社会中的多种面状。1992年,庄辉组织完成了第一次也是重大的公共艺术活动《为人民服务》。1995年,庄辉在他所在的地区开始了一系列针对中国社会阶层结构根源的探究,最初是作品《一个和三十个》以及最有名的那组容纳了近百人自画像的系列照片,包括了军营部队、农庄,亦或医院等全部工作部门。庄辉也不断延伸拓展着他对于中国社会转型的检验,并转向有关社会政治问题的更大层面,譬如作品《东经109.88,北纬31.09》,还有他关于纪录自身随性而非常规生活的摄影作品《十年》。2000年后,庄辉继续创作一系列雕塑、装置,例如作品《茶山镇》与《带钢车间》,来影射中国经济发展的不良面。2006年,庄辉开始同旦儿合作,一起发起了包括 “玉门计划” 在内数个艺术项目;作品玉门是他们在家乡当地开设了一个照相馆,由此创作了在一个衰退城市中居民的社会肖像。庄辉开始定期走访祁连山脉,并于2014年基于他与当地景观所发生的关联开始创作新作,将其发展成为一个长期项目。



Zhuang Hui was born in 1963 in Yumen Town, Gansu Province, China. He left his hometown to study in Luoyang City at the age of thirteen and started to study painting by himself. In 1979, after graduating from high school, he became a worker at the state-run Luoyang No.1 Tractor Factory. During that period, he travelled extensively to experience first hand the many facets of Chinese society in transformation. In 1992, Zhuang Hui created his first major public art project Serve the People. In 1995, he started a series of works examining the roots of Chinese socialist class structure and his place within it, first with Thirty and One and also his most celebrated series of photographs – self-portraits with entire work units such army battalions, villages, or hospitals, comprising up to hundreds of people. With projects such as Longitude 109.88 E and Latitude 31.09 N, Zhuang expanded his examination of the transformation of Chinese society to larger socio-political issues, and with the photography project Ten Years he documented his own peripatetic and unconventional life. After 2000, Zhuang continued his portrayal of the troubled side of China’s economic development with a series of sculptural installations such as Chashan County and Strip Steel Workshop. In 2006, Zhuang Hui started working with Dan’Er, with whom he developed a number of projects including The Yumen Project for which they opened a photography studio in his hometown, creating a social portrait of the in habitants of a city in decline. Zhuang started regularly visiting the Qilian Mountain range, and in 2014 started making work arising from the relationship he has formed with the landscape there, which has since developed into a long term project.

During his engaged and fruitful artistic career Zhuang Hui participated in a number of exhibitions including Xi’an Art Museum (2015); Galleria Continua, Beijing (2014); Folkwang Museum, Bonn (2014); 9th Shanghai Biennale, Power Station of Art, Shanghai (2012); Today Art Museum, Beijing (2011); YUZ Museum, Jakarta (2010); Salt Lake Art Center (2009); The Groninger Museum, Groningen (2008); Tate Modern, Liverpool (2007); Galleria Continua, Les Moulins (2007); Galleria Continua, San Gimignano (2006); Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2005); Kunstmuseum Bern (2005); Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon (2004); Centre Pompidou, Paris (2003); Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Hamburg (2002); Beyeler Art Museum, Basel (2001); Ghent Art Center (1999). He also participated in the 48th International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale (1999).


Up in the Air, V.A.


Qilian Range, Redux, ZHANG Hui


Zhuang Hui | 1650 B.C., ZHUANG Hui


Zhuang Hui: Qilian Range, ZHUANG Hui