徐冰 XU Bing

Photo: Courtesy of the Artist Studio


作品收录于:美国1997年版世界艺术史教科书《古今艺术》(Prentice Hall, Abrams出版社),美国及欧洲权威世界艺术史教科书《加德纳世界艺术史》,《牛津艺术史:中国艺术》(柯律格著),皇后艺术博物馆出版《全球的观念主义化:观点的起源1950s – 1980s》(简弗文著),路德维希博物馆出版《对话中的艺术世界》。2001年美国史密森学会出版《文字游戏:徐冰的艺术》(Britta Erickson著),2006年美国普林斯顿大学出版社出版《持续性/转型——以文字为图像:徐冰的艺术》,2009年英国伯纳德·夸里奇有限公司出版《创作天书的道路》(John Cayley等著)。2011年美国佛吉尼亚大学出版社出版《烟草计划:杜克、上海、佛吉尼亚》(John B. Ravenal等著)。2012年纽约大学出版社出版《徐冰与中国当代艺术》(曹星源主编),北京文化艺术出版社出版《徐冰:凤凰的诞生》(周瓒编)。从2012年起,不同版本的《地书》在美国、德国、法国、西班牙、俄罗斯、韩国等国家及地区发行出版。2012年,美国MIT出版社、中国广西师大出版社分别出版《地书之书》的英文及中文版本(Borysevicz Mathieu编)。2015年,展览图册 《桃花源的理想一定要实现》由徐冰工作室及Jing & Kai出版。2015年,北京中信出版社出版徐冰的首部文集《我的真文字》。2017年,《背后的故事》由生活·读书·新知三联书店发行出版。

1999年由于他的 “原创性、创造能力、个人方向和对社会,尤其在版画和书法领域中作出重要贡献的能力” 获得美国最重要的个人成就奖,麦克亚瑟 “天才奖”(MacArthur Award)。2003年 “由于对亚洲文化的发展所做的贡献” 获得第十四届日本福冈亚洲文化奖。2004年获得首届威尔士国际视觉艺术奖(Artes Mundi),评委会主席奥奎(Okwui Enwezor)在授奖辞中说:“徐冰是一位能够超越文化界线,将东西方文化相互转换,用视觉语言表达他的思想和现实问题的艺术家。” 2006年由于 “对文字、语言和书籍溶智的使用,对版画与当代艺术这两个领域间的对话和沟通所产生的巨大影响” 获全美版画家协会 “版画艺术终身成就奖”。2008年,美国哥伦比亚大学中国艺术系主任罗伯特·哈瑞斯特(Robert Harrist)教授开设名为 “徐冰的艺术” 的硕士专题研讨。2010年被美国哥伦比亚大学授予人文学荣誉博士学位。2015年被颁授美国国务院艺术勋章,被美国康乃尔大学授予安德鲁·迪克森·怀特教授称号。2017年电影作品《蜻蜓之眼》入选洛迦诺电影节主竞赛单元并获得费比西奖国际影评人奖一等奖。

Xu Bing traces his family roots in Wenling of Zhejiang province, China. He was born in Chongqing, China in 1955. In 1977, he entered the printmaking department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing (CAFA) where he completed his bachelor’s degree in 1981 and stayed on as an instructor, earning his MFA in 1987. In 1990, on the invitation of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he moved to the United States. Xu served as the Vice President of CAFA from 2008 to 2014 and he is now the professor of CAFA, advising PhD students. He currently lives and works in Beijing and New York. 

Solo exhibitions of his work have been held at Museum of Modern Art, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington DC, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, and Spencer Museum of Art, Kansas, the United States; The Louvre Museum, France; the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum, the United Kingdom; Queen Sofia National Museum and Joan Miro Foundation, Spain; Museum of Contemporary Art Australia and Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia; National Gallery of Canada; National Gallery of Prague, Czech Republic, Museum Ludwig, Germany, and National Art Museum of China, amongst other major institutions. Additionally, Xu Bing has been repeatedly invited to show his work at international exhibitions, such as the 45th, 51st and 56th Venice Biennales, the Biennale of Sydney, Johannesburg Biennale, and the São Paulo Biennale amongst others. 

Over the years, Xu Bing’s work has appeared in high-school and college textbooks around the world, including Prentice Hall & Abrams’ Art Past, Art Present, Gardner’s Art Through the Ages and Greg Clunas’s Chinese Art, a volume in the Oxford History of Art series, Jane Farver’s Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin 1950s – 1980s (Queens Museum of Art Press) and Art Worlds in Dialogue (Museum Ludwig Press). In 2001, the Smithsonian Institute published The Art of Xu Bing: Words Without Meaning, Meaning Without Words (written by Britta Erickson). In 2006, the Princeton University Press published Persistence/Transformation: Text as Image in the Art of Xu Bing, a multidisciplinary study of Xu Bing’s landmark work ‘Book from the Sky’. In 2009, Bernard Quaritch Ltd. published Tianshu: Passages in the Making of a Book (written by John Cayley and others). In 2011, the University of Virginia Press published Xu Bing: Tobacco Project – Duke / Shanghai / Virginia, 1999 – 2011 (edited by Reiko Tomii, written by John B. Ravenal and others). In 2012, the New York University Press published Xu Bing and Chinese Contemporary Art (edited by Hsingyuan Cao and Roger T. Ames) and Beijing Culture and Arts Press published Xu Bing: the Birth of the Phoenixes (edited by Zhou Zan). From 2012, different versions of ‘Book from the Ground’ were published in the US, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and many other countries and regions. In 2012, The MIT Press published The Book about Xu Bing’s Book from the Ground (edited by Borysevicz Mathieu), and the Chinese version was published by Guangxi Normal University Press. In 2015, exhibition catalogue Taohuayuan: A Lost Village Utopia was published by Xu Bing Studio and Jing and Kai. In 2015, Beijing CITIC Press published My True Words by Xu Bing. In 2017, Xu Bing’s Background Story was published by SDX publishing company.

In 1999, Xu Bing was the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship ‘in recognition of his capacity to contribute importantly to society, particularly in printmaking and calligraphy.’ In 2003, Xu Bing was awarded the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize, and in 2004 he won the first Wales International Visual Art Prize, Artes Mundi. In 2006, the Southern Graphics Council awarded Xu Bing their lifetime achievement award in recognition of the fact that his ‘use of text, language and books has impacted the dialogue of the print and art worlds in significant ways.’ In 2008, Professor Robert Harrist, Chair of Chinese Art at Columbia University, the United States, began teaching a graduate seminar entitled ‘The Art of Xu Bing’. Xu was awarded Doctor of Humane Letters by Columbia University in 2010. In 2015, he was awarded the 2014 Department of State-Medal of Arts for his efforts to promote cultural understanding through his artworks, and was appointed A. D. White Professors-at-large by Cornell University in April 2015. Film Dragonfly Eyes directed by Xu Bing was nominated in the main competition of Locarno International Film Festival and awarded first prize of FIPRESCI Prizes in 2017.


Xu Bing: Release of Book from the Ground Pop-up Book, XU Bing


World Picture: Xu Bing’s Dragonfly Eyes, XU Bing


Xu Bing: Language and Nature, XU Bing


Background Story, Echigo-Tsumari Art Field 2018, XU Bing


♛ Xu Bing: Thought and Method, XU Bing


Language & the Art of XU BING, XU Bing


♛ XU BING, XU Bing


Xu Bing: A Retrospective, XU Bing