台北市立美术馆(北美馆)创立于1983 年,为台湾第一座,也是亚洲历史最悠久的现当代美术馆之一。三十三年的发展历程,北美馆不仅促进了台湾近现代艺术的活络,也持续与国际当代艺术的脉动同步,自1995年始参加威尼斯艺术双年展,并于1998 年开始举办台北双年展。同时,为持续发掘并鼓励台湾当代艺术创作,所举办 “台北美术奖” 由1996年发展累积至今,已成为台湾艺坛新秀崛起的指标性奖项。作为台湾及全球艺术交流的平台,多次举办大型国际展览,展出重要亚洲当代艺术家回顾展,且持续关注台湾现当代艺术发展,规划历史时序性的典藏作品展。
Founded in 1983, Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) is Taiwan’s first museum of modern and contemporary art, and among one of the oldest in Asia. Venturing into its 33rd year, TFAM has dedicated itself to the development of modern art in Taiwan while staying abreast of ongoing trends in contemporary arts. It has pioneered the biennial trends for the region and overseen the operations of the Taipei Biennial since 1998 and the planning for Taiwan’s representation as a collateral event of Venice Biennale since 1995. For the past two decades, the Taiwanese art scene has witnessed a paradigm shift of the geo-political power structures within the international contemporary art community, alongside the increased mobility of global art professionals and their influence on established international exhibitions around the world. Taking this changing atmosphere into consideration, the 2017 Taiwanese nomination committee seeks to make a unique intervention in the scene of ever-expanding national pavilions and their collateral events.