沈宸 SHEN Chen

Photo: Courtesy of Pingshan Art Museum

沈宸,策展人,工作生活于北京,现任职于空白空间。曾担任三影堂摄影艺术中心策展人,集美·阿尔勒国际摄影节提名人,马格南基金会 Abigail Cohen 奖学金提名人,卡塞尔摄影书节年度摄影书奖提名人,瑞士 Vontebel 艺术基金奖项提名人等。其先后在北京大学、香港中文大学、美国匡溪艺术学院学习并获得国际政治法学学士、新媒体理学硕士及摄影纯艺术硕士学位。策展的项目包括 “论方法-康迪达·赫弗个展”(2015)、“中国摄影:二十世纪以来”(2015)、“身形剧本”(2016)、“卡塞尔摄影书节 & Éditions Bessard | 北京特别展”(2016)、“卡塔姿娜·科兹拉个展”(2016)、“庞然无声”(2017)、“陈象:蜕变——瓦莱丽·蓓琳摄影展”,“中国当代摄影40年(1976-2017)”(2017)、“幻痛诊所”(2017)、“十方:三影堂摄影奖十周年特展”(2018)、“漫游者之歌”(2019)、“练习曲”(2020)、“感召”(2021)等。2019年凭借策展项目 “末路斜阳:‘声名狼藉者’ 及其不可解的存在方式” 获选上海当代艺术博物馆 “青策计划” 大奖。


Shen Chen is a curator living in Beijing and currently working at White Space. Previously, he was curator at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre and nominator for several awards, including the Jimei × Arles International Photo Festival, the Abigail Cohen Fellowship by Magnum Foundation, and the Vontobel sponsorship prize. He holds an MFA in photography from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan; an M.S. in New Media from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; and a B.A. in International Politics from Peking University, Beijing. His curatorial projects include: “On Methods – Solo-Exhibition by Candida Höfer” (2015), “Chinese Photography: Twentieth Century and Beyond” (2015), “Scripts of the Bodies” (2016), “Kassel Photobook Festival & Éditions Bessard | Beijing Special Exhibition” (2016), “Katarzyna Kozyra Solo Exhibition” (2016), “Profound Silence” (2017), “Valérie Belin: Méta-clichés”, “40 Years of Chinese Contemporary Photography (1976-2017)” (2017), “Phantom Pain Clinic” (2017), “Ten Directions: The 10th Anniversary of the Three Shadows Photography Award” (2018), “A White Space Odyssey” (2019), “Étude” (2020), “A Higher Calling” (2021), etc. In 2019, his curatorial project “Sunset on a Dead End – The Notorious and Their Inexplicable Modes of Existence” was recipient of the grand prize for the “Emerging Curators Project” of Power Station of Art.


Li Liao: The Wife Went to Start a Business | Shenzhen Contemporary Artists Series No.6