坪山美术馆位于深圳的坪山区文化聚落,总建筑面积9900平方米。以 “打开世界,超越边界——” 作为艺术探讨的出发点,坪山美术馆关注时代社会变迁中,科技、 媒介、环境、思想、人性带给艺术的跨界融合与裂变,尤其关注艺术在空间中的不同形态与表现, 保存、收藏、传播当代艺术的能量与远见,期待通过将独特的观展体验、学习经验、在线在地的方式,把当代艺术产生的心灵震撼与创意激发带给在地以及国内国际的观众,促进国际间的当代艺术文化交流。同时,作为中国第一家区级当代美术馆,坪山美术馆是坪山文化的发动机,拥有一套完善的美术馆研究、典藏、展览、教育团队和系统,正积极探索一条以理事会、基金会、学术委员会为核心的国有美术馆的体制创新与专业发展道路。
The Pingshan Art Museum (PAM) is situated in Shenzhen Pingshan Culture Quarter, with a total area of 9,900 square meters. With an open-ended approach for artistic exploration, PAM is concerned about the cross-boundaries integration and fission of a range of areas. That include technology, media, environment in the changing society of the times. By putting forward different forms and expressions in space, PAM preserves, collects and disseminates the vitality and vision of art. As the first district contemporary art museum in China, PAM is the engine of Pingshan’s culture, with a comprehensive team and system that spans from research, collection, exhibition, education. With a council, foundation and academic committee as its core, PAM actively explores institutional innovation and professional development for state-owned art museums.