王翀 WANG Chong

Photo: Courtesy of de Art Center

王翀,中国最有影响力的80后戏剧导演。他不断探索最当代的艺术语汇,不断挖掘戏剧议题的当下性,作品巡演16国。王翀翻译并导演了《阴道独白》《哈姆雷特机器》《平行宇宙爱情演绎法》等欧美后现代名作,又以《雷雨2.0》《茶馆2.0》《样板戏2.0》革新中文经典。《地雷战2.0》获东京艺术节大奖,《大先生》被新京报评为年度最佳华语戏剧,《茶馆2.0》获 “壹戏剧大赏” 年度最佳小剧场作品奖。



Wang Chong is one of China’s most influential theatre directors, born after 1980. He makes use of the latest artistic vocabulary and deals with the topicality of theatre. His works have been performed in 16 countries. Wang Chong translated and directed “The Vagina Monologues,” “Hamletmachine,” “Constellations” and other European and American masterpieces of postmodernism works, and also revolutionized Chinese classics such as “Thunderstorm 2.0,” “Teahouse 2.0” and “Revolutionary Model Opera 2.0.” “The Warfare of Landmine 2.0” won 2013 Festival/Tokyo Award; Lu Xun was noted by The Beijing News as The Best Chinese Performance of the year; “Teahouse 2.0” won One Drama Award The Best Little Theater Performance of the Year. Since 2017, Director Wang Chong has started living in The De-electrified Territory (TDT, or Ting Dian Ting), a self-designed Beijing apartment that has no electricity and no electronics. He also stopped using mobile, Facebook, Weibo and WeChat at the time.


ASSEMBLAGE - A project on migration in relation to China, V.A.