苏州博物馆 Suzhou Museum


苏州博物馆馆址太平天国忠王府为首批全国重点文物保护单位,是国内保存至今最完整的一组太平天国历史建筑物。1999年苏州市委、市政府邀请享誉世界的华人建筑师贝聿铭(I.M. Pei)设计苏州博物馆新馆。2006年10月苏州博物馆新馆建成并正式对外开放。新馆占地面积约10,700平方米,建筑面积19,000余平方米,加上修葺一新的太平天国忠王府,总建筑面积达26,500平方米,与毗邻的拙政园、狮子林等园林名胜构成了一条丰富多彩的文化长廊。


Founded in 1960 and originally located in the national historic landmark, Zhong Wang Fu palace complex, Suzhou Museum has been a highly-regarded regional museum with a number of significant Chinese cultural relics. A new museum designed by world famous architect I.M.Pei was completed in October 2006, covering over 10,700 square meter and located at the cross of Dongbei Street and Qimen Road. The design of this new museum visually complements the traditional architecture of Zhong Wang Fu. The new museum houses over 30,000 cultural relics – most notably for excavated artifacts, Ming and Qing Dynasty paintings and calligraphy, and ancient arts and crafts.